IM GUNNA GET A WACOM TABLET ONE OF THESE DAYS ILL USE MY OWN MONEY I JUST NEED LIKE TWENTY TO THIRTY DOLLARS MORE BUT THATS WHAT CHRISTMAS IS FOR RIGHT MY MOM GIVES ME MONEY EVERY YEAR SO THIS YEAR I THINK CAN GET IT WITH MY CHRISMAS MONEY.I KNOW ITS IN CAPS AND YES IM SCREAMING RAWWWWWWR!!!...and ive got anime studio already just im not shure it works on newgrounds please tell me if it works.just for fun at the end of response tell me a verb or noun and if i get more than one (perferably four...atl east) response down there i might come up with a weird drawing.i cant wait i can stop wasting paper by making a crappy drawing that i crumble up then throw away i can now just delete it lol. but im gunna try to remake my good drawings and make newones. ps i was surprised when i saw this pic i tought i was the only one who thought about seeing diferent colors have you thought about that before...longest thing ive ever typed...
haha ummm.... EIFFEL TOWER! :D
that thingy is pointy